If you're reading this ReadMe file, it means that you're interested to this game╔ you're a good guy, so! Have you already opened idin? If it's not opened now, open it and continue reading this, please.
Tha game is really simple: you have to destroy the elicopter controlled by your friend (YES! YOU HAVE TO PLAY IDIN WITH SOMEBODY ELSE), and for this you can use five different weapons╔ simple or╔?
selecting "Play" from the file menu, you'll begin controlling the two small helicopters, but before doing this you should set up your preferences selecting "Settings".
- directions:
I think that's clear!
- change weapon:
Here you have to put the character that changes your helicopter's weapon
- shoot:
Shoot the selected weapon
- escape:
When you've a trouble because your friend plays better than you, eject yourself outside
- miracle:
This key sets the helicopters as these was at the begin.
- sound:
Do you want sounds while playing?
That's all╔ it has been made up with the SpriteAnimationToolkit!
Enjoy it!
It's freeware! Distribute it, make all you want of it, but don't redistribute hacked os simply modified Versions, ok?
You can put this on CDs only if you ask me and have my personal permission!
If you need help just email me!
Warning: Also if I think that this will never happen, i take no responsability for loss of data, crashes or everything bad.
Now i'm a little bored of idin╔ if this version will not be "Registered" at least from fifty people, i'll simply stop doing it? Does anybody want the source codes? That's C code.
If I'll continue it I'll add some of the listed features:
- Extern stages to download separately, with new backgrounds and sprites.
- NETWORK Play (through internet)
- Maybe, one player versus the computer (let's see who's Kasparov)
- What you'll tell me to do, but Tell Me!
I'm not a really good developer, and if any good developer could be so kind to help me╔ thank you ;)
About "Registration":
I told that that's a freeware╔ yeah that's right, I don't say that you have to pay 10 US Dollars, but if you do╔ you're welcome. But you're not obliged to pay: you can also send me a small email telling me that you've passed hours behind your Mac playing idin╔ and i'll be happy! But I'd like to have some money for that╔ plase help a 16 years old guy's finances! If you want to pay send me cash please (not per email).